Searching for an immersive and action-oriented workshop or professional development training?
Look no further! Our sessions go beyond traditional lectures and engage participants in experiential learning. Our workshops are designed to provide long-lasting benefits, with skills and strategies that can be applied well beyond the workshop itself. Join us and take your education to the next level.

When NeuroScience and Emotional Intelligence Collides
This workshop will examine the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics and apply it to a classroom setting by comparing it to CASEL’s Social Emotional Learning Standards. Using interactive activities, participants will be introduced to the foundations of experiential learning, while experiencing as well as learning activities and tools that can be used upon their return to the classroom. The workshop will end with reflection, completing the experiential learning cycle. This approach demonstrates the foundations of experiential learning, while offering specific activities and tools the educator can use immediately in their practice.
I Like to Move it, Move it:
Connecting Movement to Leverage
Higher Level Reasoning
During this workshop we will explore current research on the Neuroscience of the adolescent brain and how movement can influence higher level cognitive function. Educators will walk away with a modeled experience and the knowledge to implement these strategies immediately upon returning to their classroom.
Learning Objectives:
1) Identify structures and routines where movement can be incorporated seamlessly without detracting from instruction.
2) Learn methodologies that provide practical tools that can be used immediately upon returning to the classroom.
3) Put into practice strategies to help both the educator and student optimize learning.

From Challenge Course to Classroom:
an Experiential Approach to
Social Emotional Learning
Join Bryn for this interactive session on how to adapt classic challenge course content for the classroom. Learn how to use adventure and the outdoors as a medium to focus on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making skills. Now, more than ever, there is a growing demand to address the social and emotional needs of educators and participants alike. We will explore the research around The Experiential Learning Cycle and how to approach the Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL)'s standards using practices common to the Challenge Course Industry.

Additional Titles
Beyond the BFF:
Fostering Inclusive Pairings in the Classroom
Transforming Doubt into Drive
Forming Norms:
Cultivate Buy-in and Build Foundational Routines
Professional Development for Emerging Leaders:
Cultivating Growth & Trust in your team
Growing Gratitude:
The Impact and Importance of Appreciation
Getting Back to Nature
Mindset Makeover:
Reframing Memories for a Positive Outlook
If you’d like more information about existing or custom workshops - get in touch today.